Welcome to Heaton

Heaton is only approximately two miles away from Newcastle’s city centre, this neighbourhood is great for students looking to live in close distance from Newcastle & Northumbria university.

There are plenty of places in Heaton that are full with lively shops and cafes, as well as food outlets and supermarkets. It is also perfect for families looking for a new home, with schools that have received outstanding or good ratings.

At Wright Residential we have a lot of expertise after being in operation since 1998, so you can trust us to find you the right property. We are trusted estate & letting agents in Heaton and also provide property management in Heaton too.

If you’re interested in seeing the properties we have to offer at Wright Residential click here

Any questions?

Simply give us a call or go to our contact page and our helpful team of experts would be happy to help you with your questions.

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Images of Heaton

Area Guides for Heaton (1)

Explore Heaton

Station List

Schools List